Monday, January 10, 2011

a little review.

I can not tell you how many blog posts I have started over the past 3 months and not finished. I want to be a better blogger. honest. There was a blog in the making about this crazy life moment I had at a Switchfoot concert. I also started one on what I was learning about advent. Oh, and there was one about if things happen on purpose--here is part of what I wrote and a lot of what I still think about:

Do you ever wonder if the people that are around you at Starbucks or in the student union or in the cars next you or in the Wal-Mart line with you are there on purpose? Sometimes I like to pretend that each person I see God has placed right there, right at the moment and right for that moment. I pretend because I want my heart to tune to that naturally. I want to see each person around me. Really see them. Move towards them. Get to know them even. At least say hello- especially if they are there on purpose. I mean God knew they would be there, right?

I wonder if I miss a lot of opportunities.

There was also a blog semi written about saying Hi to 2011:

I can't believe we are about to say hellllllo to 2011. ahhh. This year seemed to fly by. But I love how each year the Lord gives us is filled with things He wants to teach us and places He wants us to go and people He wants us to meet and love and scriptures He wants us to see in a new light and dreams he wants us to pray into existence and meals he wants us to share with friends and fears He wants us to fight through and tears He wants us to talk to him about and steps of faith He wants us to leap into. I love that each day{each morning} is handmade by Him for us to live. I believe it. I love the stories He writes with each day and each year.

I'm going to try to make the most each day He gives me in 2011.

And, then I had this collage of pictures I wanted to share from when I turned 30. ugh. It was a great day though! It was filled with dachshunds. dog walking. good good friends. a party bri put together filled with games and some of my favorites. vintage soda. laughter. a homemade cake by Kristin. lots of nerts. thankfulness.

There was also a blog about my book club--that. I. ADORE. It's with my friend Heather and 4 of our friends from China. They are studying at ODU. Every other Thursday late afternoon we get together and discuss Tuesdays with Morrie. Trust me we tried to have our club on Tuesdays but it just didn't work out. We talk about life and death. We talk about living with purpose. We talk about marriage and love. We laugh a lot. I leave this time renewed and so encouraged. I have grown to love these girls dearly.

Then there was this quick blog about birthday pictures. I have a picture of Amy on her birthday that I just love. You can see people singing to her in the backgroud. Just love it. Forgive her though for the sweater. Her birthday fell on the night we were having our tacky Christmas party.

And, this one was taken on Heather's birthday. Just love this one too. so simple & pretty.

And, then finally there was a blog about my staff team and my dining room table. The thing is I love having them around it. Whether its for a meal{like of Christmas dinner below} or playing unending, forever fun games of nerts. i love living life with them.

the end. i love you. thanks for reading all that.