Wednesday, June 22, 2011

about a best friend.

Two weeks ago Brian and I packed up the Civic and headed to California to surprise my Bestie. The plan had been in the works for months but she had no idea. The roadtrip out was crazy and so fun{more on that in a later post}.

{Waiting for Katy to arrive!}

We spent 6 days together! It was so refreshing. We laughed the whole week.

After California, Bri and I drove to Colorado- we will be in Colorado til the end of July. We are taking Bible classes and learning a ton! What a sweet season of being in the Word.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

S & A

In August 2009-right when we moved to Norfolk- we met Abby and Steve. And, ever since that Saturday afternoon in August we have been so blessed by their invested and sincere friendship. And, it turned out that their home was just a 10 minute walk away from ours. They are the kind of people that would do anything and go anywhere for you. They have taught me a lot about friendship.
For about a year now we have had consistent and crazy nerts nights! Always a highlight in my week{even though I lose every single time-and we've played hundreds of times}. But the best thing about "nerts night" is always the stories that we share between each round. Almost always when someone yells "NERTS!" (meaning that round was over) someone else would launch into a story, or a highlight from the week, or something that was making them bummed. We've talked about:

how long is too long to keep chicken in the freezer
ice cream
country music
Trader Joes
American Idol, duh.
even UTIs
sewing garlands
losing people we love
uncooked calzones
the Hope College "pull"
dogs and dog parks
answered prayers
unanswered prayers
trips to Spain
broken bones
seal team 6
hot yoga

We just said our goodbyes. They are moving to North Carolina. A 10 minute walk turns into a 3 hour drive.

Abby & Steve were easily and are easily one of the best gifts the Lord gave us in Norfolk. We are forever blessed.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17

We love you guys!