Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Grandma and Asher

This is my Grandma! She was such a sweet sweet part of my life. On August 9th she passed away. She lived a strong 94 years though! These pictures below were taken last year on her 93rd birthday. Some of my favorite moments growing up involved grandma- I loved when I got to spend the night at her house. We would always stay up "late" watching Star Search(remember that?) and Lawrence Welk(ha!). It was always a good time with her! And, whenever I would tell her that I loved her, she would always respond with, "I love you more!" and we would go back and forth with the I love you more thing. I never won! She always wanted to be the last one to say it. She was so cute. I thank God for the time that I had with her.

Her funeral was on the following Wednesday after she died. It was a special time of gathering and remembering but also was just a sad morning as we missed grandma so much. Her best friend, Anna Marie, came to the funeral. I hadn't seen her in years. She was 94 years old too. She was adorable and told me about how this was the 1st time she had left her house in years but wanted to be here for the funeral. Her mind was definitely going(along with her body-she was frail and needed assistance walking) but she said that she could never forget the great friendship they had. Some things just stay with you no matter how old you get.

Later that evening after things had quieted down and everyone had left our house(we had a little lunch after the funeral) I got a text. The text said that my friend Carrie had had her baby earlier that morning! So my Dad, Brian and I rushed over the the hospital to see this new baby boy, Asher Bishop! He was adorable!

The turn of events that day reminded me clearly of one of my favorite songs, Every Season by Nichole Nordeman. This line kept going through my mind, "Even now in death, You open doors for life to enter..." It was just that kind of day-that morning we were walking into a funeral service to mourn the loss of someone so special to us and later that evening(to our surprise) we were walking into a hospital to celebrate new life.


  1. you look gorgeous in that pic with your grandma!

  2. Brooke, what a sweet post. I love my grandmother so much and I can only imagine what a hard loss that is. Actually, I remember when my grandfather died and the staff came to his funeral... that was so kind of you guys. I hope you're able to rejoice at her memory as often as you mourn her loss. Love you!

  3. here is a HUGE hug from far away. I had no idea she passed away...I will pray that as u morn this loss and reflect on the many memories you have that He will use this to mold u and shape u even further into the woman He desires u to be. That He will use this to bring glory to Himself.

    I LOVE that song as well...really hit home with me after mom passed away...her death brought new life in me. The same is true in every loss...praise Him for allowing you to see that soooo clearly!!!

  4. do u know that Asher mean happy?? That's my nephews name as well.
