Monday, October 4, 2010

love captured on a phone.

Every now and then you have a weekend that is just what you need. I just had a weekend like that. It was so full of things I love. people I love.

*I loved the 17 plus hours driving in the car with Bri.

*I loved crossing into WV(& staying in WV all weekend)!

*I loved that it was actually FALL there. The leaves were starting to turn. The crispness was in the air. ((It still acts like summer where I am from)).

*I loved getting quality time with Ashley: so. much. fun.

*I loved getting quality time with April! We launched into deep convos almost every second that we were together. It was refreshing!!

*I loved watching the groom & his men watch a golf game in the distance for a LONG time:

*I loved watching the bride prepare for her groom:

*I loved the ceremony: beautiful.

I LOVED the program:

I loved the rose petal aisle:

Most of all I loved this:

Congrats Chris & Amanda!

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