Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Spurred on...

There's something special about being in Colorado every other summer with our job. I love rubbing shoulders with FUN people that LOVE Jesus and want everyone to know about Him. We meet in a HUGE gym. I think there are close to 3500 of us in there. I love looking around the room-- here are some of the people I see:

This is Josh and Liz! They are getting married in November. They are wonderful together. In January they will move to New Zealand and share life and Christ with college students there. inspiring.

This is Jayson and Carrie. They were our dear roommates this summer. They moved to DC a couple years ago to live among the people there and share the love of Christ.

This is Maria and Jason(and their baby Hannah). They rule. They want every student in Pittsburgh to know and treasure Christ. I'm constantly encouraged by them.

This is Mike & Jessie. They just got married in April. Jessie was such a sweet surprise in my summer. We had several coffee/Jamba dates. Her heart is awesome. Their passion is to reach cadets! Isn't that great. In the next few months they will head to Virginia Tech to build relationships with the cadets there.

This is John and Sandy. They have a huge heart for Asian Americans students to know Christ- They live near Penn State and live life with the students there. They are a delight. Sandy inspires me in so many ways!

This is Corey. Sadly his wife Christina and daughter Cora couldn't be out here for conference. Brian and I are always always encouraged by him. They both LOVEEEE people with such a genuine and sincere love. We always feel cared for and prayed for by them. WE praise God for them always. They have given their lives to share Christ with WVU students. WVU is one lucky place:) (side note: Corey asked us to take this picture of him to send to Christina for their anniversary-which was yesterday. Along with this picture he sent(overnight)a plate of Christina's favorite Noodles dish on dry ice.) HOW CUTE!

I could go on and on and on about all the people that have really spurred me on this summer. I love the people I work alongside.

1 comment:

  1. Brooke i love this blog! I read it all:) those pics/stories of the CRU people is SO inspiring! thanks!. and i'll prob. try that cobbler recipe:) chuck thanks you in advance.

    Bethany Bergen~
